Steph "Rider" King, underwent therapy for post traumatic stress disorder due to a repressed memory at the YWCA in Richmond and soon after started suddenly drawing perfectly sideways illusory speed art in an online app using a beautiful algorithm. Rider experiences cognitive visions that take up most of the field of vision and have even completely removed her from the room (no more light, no more walls) while pinning her to a black expanse or a black dome. Her digital drawings seem impossible to produce with the tool she uses (try it for yourself at mrdoob.com) and there is no editing except for background tint and rotation of the whole image where applicable. Mildly autistic, she exhibits signs of savant syndrome when she redraws complex shapes from memory after erasing them and while drawing so fast she can't keep up. Her work seems to draw itself without her as the illusory works are always done extremely fast -- so fast she can't see what they are -- as she draws them. |